Habits That Can Lead To Fertility Problems For A Woman

In this fast-paced age where technology and advancements in society are supposed to let humans lead a healthy and carefree life, vast sections of the global population, especially women are consistently being diagnosed with fertility problems.
According to the resident gynaecologist at a reputed fertility clinic that offers fertility IVF treatment in Delhi, there are several reasons behind the increasing cases of fertility problems among women around the world.
This post in the following sections will try to shed light on a few modern habits that women develop these days which contribute to minimising their chances of getting pregnant.

Here goes –

Binge eating

Women need to have a healthy BMI (Body Mass Index) and according to the resident experts working at one of the best fertility clinics in Mumbai women, these days have forgotten how to maintain a healthy diet no thanks to unhealthy eating habits like binge eating fast food or giving into midnight cravings during their periods.

Experts state that the fertility of a woman can be negatively affected if the lady has an abnormal BMI. Obesity sometimes can halt or reduce hormone production that trickles down to issues like abnormalities in ovulation or irregularities in menstrual cycles.

Excessive body mass can also lead to miscarriages and medical conditions like PCOS (PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome).
Long story short, if a lady wants to become a mother in the near future then she has to revamp her diet and shun unhealthy habits like gorging on junk food items.


According to the resident reproductive endocrinologist associated with a reputed clinic that offers fertility IVF treatment in Mumbai, women should avoid tobacco products if they want to get pregnant.

Each drag of smoke from a cigarette contains the fumes of a myriad of dangerous chemicals that are not only carcinogenic in nature but can also accelerate the ageing of a woman’s ovaries and deplete the eggs present within the reproductive organ prematurely.

Furthermore, women who are addicted to nicotine or related tobacco-containing products are at higher risk of suffering miscarriages even if they are in their third trimester! Smoking also increases the chances of ectopic pregnancy as the habit damages the fallopian tubes thus preventing the egg and the sperm to unite altogether!


Excessive stress can lead to fertility issues in women as stress can throw the hormone production procedures in a woman’s body out of balance that can eventually cause fertility problems

But how can women avoid stress? Isn’t stress the part and parcel of modern life?

Well, stress is indeed unavoidable but according to a gynaecologist associated with a reputed clinic that offers fertility IVF treatment in Mumbai, women can acknowledge and manage their stress levels by implementing the following tips in their daily life –

Women need to consult with their partners about ways they can manage their respective stress levels especially when they have made up their minds about becoming parents.

Women can also seek help from psychologists who can help them formulate coping mechanisms.

Women can also participate in stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation or workout sessions at their favourite gym.

Overall medical history of the patient

Doctors associated with revered clinics that offer world-class  IVF treatment in Mumbai also point out that the success rate of the treatment also depends on the overall medical history of the patient.
For example, if the patient has abnormalities in her uterus such as the presence of fibroid tumours or she has been diagnosed with ovarian dysfunction then the chances of IVF treatment working in her favour will be low. Furthermore, if the patient has a history of miscarriages then the chances of a successful pregnancy through IVF will be pretty low as well.


If you want more details, feel free to consult with experts at WomanzHealth . – it is one of the best fertility clinics in Mumbai. To book an appointment with a reputed reproductive endocrinologist, please call +919004960057 or send an email to contact@womanzhealth.com.