Factors that can hinder the success of IVF treatment

IVF stands for In Vitro Fertilization and it is prescribed to women who cannot conceive a child through natural means. The eggs from the patient will be fertilized outside of the patient’s body, in a state-of-the-art lab by experts using the sperm cells from the patient’s partner or an anonymous donor.
IVF is a pretty complicated process and the chance of success depends on a myriad of factors. If said factors do not fall in favour of the patient and the treatment then a successful pregnancy will be a difficult objective to achieve.

What factors can hinder the success rate of IVF treatment?

There are many and some of the most common ones are as follows –

The age of the patient and the sperm donor

According to resident reproductive endocrinologists associated with the leading providers of IVF in Mumbai, the treatment works best for women who are in their late twenties or early thirties as it is found that the women in the aforementioned age group tend to be more fertile compared to those women who have crossed the age of 40 and above. Similarly, the sperm donor should be below the age of thirty as men produce healthy sperm cells in their youth. When they surpass the age of thirty, the overall quality of sperm produced decreases by many folds.

Women and sperm donors with fertility issues will hinder the success rate of IVF

According to experts associated with a clinic that has been offering quality assured and reasonably priced IVF in Delhi for the last three+ decades, women with fertility issues like a low ovarian reserve or sperm donors with fertility problems like unhealthy sperm reserves will lead to failed IVF treatments. Furthermore, even if women with fertility issues are using the sperm donated by men diagnosed with low fertility for IVF, which leads to pregnancy then the overall health of the embryo will be low which will lead to stillborns or abnormalities in the child in their later years.

Overall medical history of the patient

Doctors associated with revered clinics that offer world-class  IVF treatment in Mumbai also point out that the success rate of the treatment also depends on the overall medical history of the patient. For example, if the patient has abnormalities in her uterus such as the presence of fibroid tumours or she has been diagnosed with ovarian dysfunction then the chances of IVF treatment working in her favour will be low. Furthermore, if the patient has a history of miscarriages then the chances of a successful pregnancy through IVF will be pretty low as well.

The quality of the embryo transfer process

The overall quality of embryo transfer dictates whether the IVF treatment will lead to a successful pregnancy or not. Hence, it is best to seek a href=”https://womanzhealth.com/delhi/fertility-ivf-treatment” class=”custom_anchor”>  IVF treatment in Delhi from a veteran IVF clinic or medical institution as the quality of the embryo transfer process followed at reputed medical facilities will be second to none. One must make sure that the IVF treatment provider they are selecting has a high success rate which indicates that the procedures followed for the transfer of a healthy embryo from the lab to the uterus of the would-be mother at the clinic are on par with the international standards and complies with international medical ethics.


For more details on factors that can hinder the success of IVF treatment, one must consult with the resident reproductive endocrinologists associated with revered IVF treatment clinics like WomanzHealth . WomanzHealth has been offering high-quality and reasonably priced IVF treatment in Mumbai and Delhi for the last 35+ years. To book an appointment, one can call +919004960057 or send an email at contact@womanzhealth.com.